What is Hoare Group doing in 2025
HOARE GROUP remains your preferred partner for designing and sourcing furniture in 2025.
What is Hoare Group doing in 2025
2024 and the year before that and in fact the one before that were some of the most challenging times for the furniture industry and saw the fall of many manufacturers, suppliers and retailers alike.
For 10 years we were based firmly in Hong Kong having been moving around a bit in mainland China before that, Hong Kong was a great base for us, our showroom and staff allowing easy cross-border travel to our main suppliers in South China and extended access to our suppliers in the north of China and Vietnam.
Having restricted travel due to Covid really reinforced how well our teams on the ground in China and Vietnam can manage product development, quality control and new supply routes without the need or support from the Hong Kong Office.
In 2022 we made the decision to move the main office to the UK, given that 50% of our customers were already in the UK this allowed us to create a stronger bond with existing customers and grow new ones right on our doorstep.
Between 2022 and today the market has been a roller coaster of different challenges along with political and economic changes that continue into 2025, we envisaged a huge increase in UK customers and development however the truth is the Uk has remained fairly stagnant, and all our growth has been a mix of various global opportunities in the US, Dubai and Europe.
It makes sense for us to grow our UK customer base but that may simply be up to how the UK economy develops in light of our current political challenges.
Foremost we have always been a company firmly rooted in designing new products and its design and creativity always win and which will be our focus in 2025.
You can expect the development of many new furniture ranges and the introduction of interior accessories and lighting to our offering, having been very successful with several commercial projects in Europe.
We also add 3D printing to our offering, the production of parts and small products for your business and the offering of products from ours, we really embrace this technology as a major part of our future so keep watch as we talk more about this.
We have upgraded our design and rendering capability offering more real and accurate design visuals and collaborated with a number of our suppliers ( we call groups) to act as their main design team for their and our global customers, this has allowed us to amass a huge collection of products and a design library back up. Our designs range from entry price point KD products to premium chair and sofa collections, something for everyone at every price point.
In 2025 Our technical and development process is completely scalable as is the way we interact with our major customers allowing us ample room for new connections, new discussions, new customers, and new opportunities, we look forward to talking with you.
HOARE GROUP remains your preferred partner for designing and sourcing furniture in 2025.
HOARE GROUP remains your preferred partner for designing and sourcing furniture in 2025.
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